Company Social Responsibility Donated of Ramadhan. To celebrate the giving month of Ramadan, we teamed up with Tangan Peduli organisation this April and donated up to Rp 32,500,000 worth of sembako (basic food and household necessities) to one orphanage in Jakarta called Panti Asuhan Parapattan.As a company who works closely with the community, we try to give back often, especially every Ramadan month. How did you celebrate this 'giving month'?Happy Eid Mubarak! Wishing everyone a year full of new blessings and happiness! Company News KedaiSayur-Olsera Bantu Ribuan Petani dan Pedagang Sayur Buah Go Digital. PT Kedai Sayur Indonesia menjalin kerja sama dengan PT Olsera Indonesia Pratama dalam rangka menyediakan sistem... Read more . Recipe & Lifestyle Tips Memilh Sayur Segar Saat Berbelanja Halo KedaiMates! Tau ga sih kalau sayur segar sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh kalian lho! Tapi harus sayuran dengan kualitas yang... Read more . Previous Next More Company Social Responsibility Gandeng Kedaimart, Waste4Change Ajak Masyarakat Kirim Sampah Terpilah Lewat Layanan SYW. Dalam dua hari, tumpukan sampah warga DKI setara dengan satu Candi Borobudur. Sehingga dalam satu tahun... Read more Donated of Ramadhan. To celebrate the giving month of Ramadan, we teamed up with Tangan Peduli organisation this April and donated up to Rp 32,500,000... Read more 3 Perusahaan Start Up Berkolaborasi Luncurkan Program Restorasi Pengelolaan Sampah., JAKARTA - Sebanyak tiga perusahaan starp up, yaitu Kedai Sayur Indonesia melalui KedaiMart, Waste4Change... Read more